When Killer Boys Grow Up
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In 1983, a mall security camera captured a shaky image of two ten-year-old boys leading a much smaller boy out of a Liverpool, England, shopping center.
The boys lured James Bulger 2, away from his mother, who was shopping, and led him on a long walk across town.
The boys lured James Bulger 2, away from his mother, who was shopping, and led him on a long walk across town.
Over the past decade, the trend in the U.S. has been to allow publication of ever more information about underage offenders.
The last week Judge Elizabeth Butler Sloss decided the young men were in so much danger that they needed an unprecedent shield to protect them upon release.
For the rest of their lives, Venables and Thompson will have a right to anonymity
U.S courts also give more weight to press freedom than English courts
Judge Butler-Sloss based her decision on some very real threats facing the two.
Subraya las estructuras nominales que se encuentran en los siguientes enunciados y cambia a itálicas los sustantivos.
The boys lured James Bulger, 2, away from his mother, who was shopping, and led him on a long walk across town.
We’re clearly the most punitive in the industrialized world.
The dilemma now to confronting the English justice system is how to reintegrate the notorious duo into a society that remains horrified by their crimes and skeptical about the rehabilitation.
It almost leaves you with the feeling that the nastier the crime, the greater the chance for a passport to a completely new life.
Today the boys are 18-year-old men, and after spending eight years in juvenile facilities, they have been deemed fit for release later this year.
Identifica el tiempo verbal que predomina en los párrafos siguientes:
¿Por qué se emplea este tiempo?
Pasado simple
Cuenta como fueron los hechos cuando mataron al niño.
Habla de los niños asesinos en la actualidad
Habla de opiniones que se tienen.
Siguen tratando opiniones de expertos.
Pasado simple
La mayoría de los verbos terminan en “ed”.
4. Decodifica las siguientes frases:
l. 2-3
a shaky image of two 10-year-old boys
Una imagen inestable de niños de 10 años.
a long walk across town
Una larga caminata a través de la cuidad
l.17-1 8
eight years in juvenile facilities
Ocho años en instalaciones juveniles.
l. 32
any information about their whereabouts
Cualquier información sobre su paradero.
(they) ban all video cameras
Ellos prohibieron todas las cámaras de video
l.89-9 0
the nastier the crime, the greater the chance for a passport to a completely new life
Cuanto más desagradable sea el crimen, mayor será la posibilidad de un pasaporte para una vida completamente nueva.
II. Identifica enunciados en presente perfecto, subraya el verbo y traduce el enunciado.
Two infamous 10-year-old murders in Britain, have become men.
Han sido demandados aptos para ser lanzados a finales de este año.
They have been deemanded fit for realease later this year
En los EE. UU. Ha sido permitido la publicación de cada vez más información sobre delincuentes menores de edad.
In the U.S. has been to allow publication of ever more information about underage offenders.
¿Con qué derecho tienen que darles protección especial a los adultos?
What right have they got to be give special protection as adults?
Editoriales de periódicos han insistido
Newspaper editorials have insisted
Los ciudadanos tienen derecho a saber si Venables o Thompson se mudan en la puerta de al lado.
Citizens have a right to know if Venables or Thompson move in the next door.
Pero tal vez Venables y Thompson se han ganado esa oportunidad.
But perhaps Venables and Thompson have earned that chance
Ambos han expresado remordimiento por su crimen y han pasado un año en consejería intensiva.
Both have expressed remorse for their crime .
han pasado un año en consejería intensiva.
have spent year in intensive counseling
Ella no ha vuelto a sus viejos caminos.
She has not returned to her old ways
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